My summer break started out rather slow and boring because I'm used to driving fast, talking fast, and swiping my debit card fast (as my bank record shows). A lot of people from school have been continually updating their Facebook statuses to complain that they're bored, but I've been keeping quite busy.
I don't want to give you the wrong impression. I do keep quite busy with Sims 3. (I didn't just say that. You didn't just read that. It is not true.)
Imagine a serious-minded, go-get-em young woman who has all her ducks in a row. Now imagine her friend, who stays up until 2 and sleeps in until noon, and watches documentaries on the Titanic while drinking iced lattes. I'm the friend.
However, I have been keeping myself busy by training for a 5k race. This is very exciting for me, because I see myself as an athletic person, but certainly not a sporty person. I love competing and playing sports, but am usually left in the dust when the two coincide. Running is perfect for me, because it allows me to get out all my excess energies and capitalize on my athletic abilities. Plus, my only immediate competitor is myself, yet I can still compare my pace and mileage with others on this great site a friend introduced me to called Dailymile.
I can run 3.1 miles in 40 minutes. My average pace for a mile is around 11 minutes and 30 seconds. If you're a runner, you know that's not spectacular, but it's not terrible either. The Lord has provided me with stable health and strength so that I can continue to get better. And I know it is the Lord, because there is no way I could improve (health-wise and in running) on my own.
Other than that, I have applied for a job, and my dad and I went to an airshow (which was awesome) and I have a newfound love for Perry Mason and have been trying to write more. I haven't been doing much cooking, mostly because I haven't stumbled across a really good recipe. Yesterday, I made chocolate mint patties and they taste good, but the patties won't stay together.
Guess who didn't follow the recipe?
Yeah. I may have to try another recipe, and if that one works out, I will be sure to share it with you :)