That’s the goal, anyway.
Yesterday, I wrote a post but deleted it only 9 minutes after I published it. Why? Sometimes I just get those bad feelings after I hit publish. No, I don’t know why.
Since my last entry I have:
•Turned 18 (woohoo!!)
•Performed in 2 concerts
•Scheduled a driving test with the DMV
•Reached 80,000 words on my novel
•Can play two movements on Handel’s Sonata No. 4
•Applied to a college that I actually want to go to
Seems like a lot in a short amount of time, but that’s life. I only thought things would move this quick when I was 90 years old, but wow…Days are turning faster than pages these days.
I think I can also announce that we’re moving at the end of this summer….? Where we move depends on if I get into said college. It doesn’t seem weird to think that I’ll be packing soon, mostly because I’ve been packing since I was 15, as I really did have that much stuff. Before officially moving, we moved a lot of stuff to our two storage garages, that we later paired down to one.
I still have a lot to get rid of, but I’m getting there. I think that the more stuff you have, the harder it is to go where God wants you to go. Especially if you’re a packrat. Like me. But I’m breaking myself of that habit, slowly, but surely.
I have another topic that I’d like to write about, but I’m going to save that for the next post. I’m also plotting a revamp for my blog, and may possibly invest some money in a domain name. We shall see, we shall see…
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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