I also partially ran a mile today, but I'm planning on making something with blueberries, chocolate chips, and phyllo dough later. Let's see if I can keep up and keep improving this routine.
Right, so you are just dying to know about me. So I'll give you want you want and just show you the food:

These are what I'm hoping to recreate tonight. They are homemade cream puffs, with blueberries, vanilla extract (vanilla bean sticks and vodka -- woohoo!) and chocolate chips. I melted them over a bain marie (double boiler) so the chocolate wouldn't burn.
Gotta be careful with chocolate...that stuff's precious ;)
Today, Wednesday, everyone was assigned to make clam chowder. I won't go into saying how incredible it was that everyone's looked/tasted different and how unique and precious every individual is for making such a unique soup.

I'll just say that I only tasted mine, and it was delicious, and the texture was dreamy. And yes, dreamy. There were quite a few not-so-appetizing soups on the tasting table.

And, yes, I won't exactly call you precious and unique if you lock me out of the store room one more pancake flippin' time. Gosh.

And, in case you haven't been able to tell by now, I got a new camera phone. Virgin Mobile, I love you. I also have a $5/month package that lets me send 200 text messages a month, and I find great joy in this, which is why I have been...you know...taking picture of my breakfast.
If you'd like to see more pictures of my breakfast immediately after I take them, be sure to follow me on Twitter. Or, if you don't have Twitter, just go to my TwitPic page.
XO Mary